
Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) Conference
The APIC Annual Conference is a dynamic educational event packed with practical learning, strategic thinking, and innovative ideas. From our plenary sessions led by thought leaders to our educational sessions lead by IP practitioners, you’ll return to your office with the tools and resources you need. Our Exhibit Hall is filled with solutions providers who can make your job easier, no matter your facility. Plus our networking opportunities will grow your connections, expand your influence, and help you advance.

New Cardiovascular Horizons 21st Annual Conference
NCVH is an educational nonprofit foundation focused on multidisciplinary accredited conferences to advance the field of cardiovascular care using endovascular technologies, pharmacotherapy treatments, peripheral interventions and amputation prevention techniques. With a goal to empower healthcare providers with knowledge of head-to-toe vascular treatments, NCVH strives to promote interdisciplinary teamwork and collaboration to address the continuum of patient care.

Association for Vascular Access (AVA) Meeting
The Association for Vascular Access (AVA) is an organization of healthcare professionals founded in 1985 to support and promote the specialty of vascular access. The mission of AVA is to lead healthcare by protecting patients and providers to improve lives. Today, its multidisciplinary membership advances research, provides professional and public education to shape practice and enhance patient outcomes, and partners with the device manufacturing community to bring about evidence-based innovations in vascular access
Attendees have opportunities to participate in educational sessions, hands-on clinical training, new product demonstrations and plenty of networking.
More than 1,900 attendees will take advantage of inspirational general sessions, insightful educational breakouts, a sold-out exhibit hall, and more than 100 research posters at the AVA Scientific Meeting in.

Patents for Humanity
Since 2013, the USPTO has conducted the Patents for Humanity Program to incentivize the use of patented technologies or patent pending technologies for humanitarian purposes, culminating with an awards ceremony. For 2021, applications will be accepted beginning April 1, 2021. Participants will submit program applications describing what actions they have taken with their patented or patent pending technology to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Independent judges will review the program applications, and federal employees from other agencies will recommend awards based on these reviews.

Amputation Prevention Symposium (AMP)
The Amputation Prevention Symposium, established by Jihad A. Mustapha, MD, FACC, FCSAI, was created to address the unmet need for education and technologies for treating critical limb ischemia in patients facing amputation. The conference features world-renowned faculty, live case symposia, hands-on workshops, and an exhibit featuring the very latest products and technologies designed to assist in amputation prevention.
During the 2019 meeting, Rex Teeslink, MD explained the SafetyNET, a New Technology in Access Needles.

Western Anesthesia Residents Conference
WARC is a premier opportunity for residents, students, and fellows to present work they have accomplished during their training. Each year the meeting rotates to a different sponsoring institution in the western United States and Canada. In order to allow as many residents and fellows to attend the meeting as possible, WARC does not charge any registration fee. The meeting is funded from contributions from each participating anesthesia department and from industry contributions.

Emory Practical Intervention Course - South Eastern Consortium (EPIC-SEC)
The Emory Practical Intervention Course (EPIC) is the longest running annual interventional cardiology event in the world. Based on the teachings of founder Dr. Andreas Gruentzig, EPIC-SEC provides training for thousands of interventional cardiologists from the United States and abroad since 1981. This year, EPIC-SEC brought together 25 academic medical centers to contribute to this clinical, educational and research consortium. We expanded the content to include more preventive cardiology, imaging and innovations in cardiovascular medicine. In 2019 we had 7 tracks, 170 lectures and debates, 10 live cases, and expanded the consortium to 25 institutions

The Southeastern Angiographic Society (SEAS) is a group of world-renowned interventionalists from all over the Southeast and along the eastern seaboard.
Over the last 40+ years SEAS has provided continuing education for physicians engaged in angiography, and hosts an incredibly popular yearly scientific meeting that allows for education as well as socialization and networking.
SEAS welcomes all physicians or medical professionals interested in Interventional Radiology and proudly serves as a thought leader in the medical field.

APHA's Annual Meeting and EXPO
APHA's Annual Meeting and Expo is the largest and most influential annual gathering of public health professionals. Nearly 13,000 attendees join us each year to present, learn and find inspiration.

Georgia Infection Prevention Network (GIPN) Education Conference
Over the past couple of decades the Georgia Infection Prevention Network has grown, changed and continues to evolve - just as healthcare does. But the one thing that has been a constant is its devotion to providing resources for education to all disciplines of infection control in the state of Georgia. Even as the organization evolves, we have never forgotten the fact that our greatest resources and support is still each other.